Art inspired by Art

by 4:44 PM 0 comments
 Axel Thesleff, although young, is somewhat of a Jack of all trades when it comes to his music.  He currently is involved with several music projects, but what I wanted to show you today was some of his solo material.  The EP is called The Wasteland, and as you may have guessed it is a "musical interpretation of the epic poem 'The Waste Land' by T.S. Eliot. Written, recorded, mixed, and mastered in the fall of 2010" and "released 14 November 2011".  It is a very chilly ambiant soundscape with lots of glitchy experimental effects thrown in.  If that's your thing, you won't be dissapointed.  Check out a sample below or grab the whole album here.
The Burial of the Dead by Axel Thesleff



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