Best Music Vids 2012 - True Thrush

by 5:49 PM 0 comments
I love music videos. I grew up with MTV and would spent countless hours watching music videos late at night, dancing violently and badly as usual. I had always wanted to direct one (still do) and thanks to Youtube, I still am addicted to them. So, I will try to spend the rest of this year delivering some awesome music videos to you guys - the best from 2012.

The first one is Dan Deacon's True Thrush from his album America. I wanted to tell you everything I think about this album, but I realized something in the process: I am not an album review kind if girl. As usual, I was looking at other reviews to see what others said, and I somehow landed on the Pitchfork website. Fail. But then I started reading and I thought" Not as pretentious as they use to be". It turned out that I just hadn't read far down enough. Why do they have to try so hard to cram as many obscure words and metaphors in there as possible? Anyway, that's another rant for another day. Point of the story is: I share the music with you. Obviously, I think the music is good if I am sharing. You can decide from there if you want to delve deeper or not.

... So, anyway this video is pretty cool. It seems like Dan Deacon got a whole bunch of friends/family, put them into teams and then made them play a weird game of Telephone- music video style. The way this video morphs reminds me of the days of the week. Can you guess which teams are the weekend?



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