Stay Clean with Purity Ring

by 2:15 PM 1 comments
I'm back! And I am going to use this opportunity to comment on the state of music as of today, and how it has excelled just this year alone. Save your groans, this will be short and sweet.

 We all now know that music has increasingly involved digital influence and guidance. Long gone are the days when you just use instruments to record an album. Heck, half the time you don't even need a band. With the right technology, you can add "bells, whistles, boops, beeps, etc" anywhere you want. This can be disastrous (I'm looking at you excessive dub step), but this can also be beautiful if tweaked just right. Just because it doesn't involve a traditional instrument, doesn't mean it is not real music. And then there was Purity Ring. (Sidenote: if you just google Purity Ring, you may not get their band page immediately, think about it).

I listened to their album Shrines streaming free on NPR. And then I had a day or two until the band popped up back in my head, to the point where I wanted to listen them again, and so I listened again, and then again, and again, and you get the point. There is something about their clean back beats accompanied by the spacey and delightful vocals that makes your ears ache for more. Hear for yourself. And let me know.



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