Sexist Music Library

by 5:37 PM 0 comments
I was recently listening to some Alabama Shakes and realized I do not have many women musicians in my music collection (compared to the other gender).  Also, I have not seen many of them live, Grace Potter being the most recent in 2013.  As I was emerged in Brittany Howard's vocals, I remembered the name Andrija Tokic.  He produced Boys & Girls for Alabama Shakes and also recorded an album for another band who has a female lead singer.  Andrija produced the album Look Out Mama for Hurray for the Riff Raff, which is a band based out of New Orleans.  Both of these bands are now with ATO Records, which is a great place to be.  
All this lead to the decision that I have a sexist music library and I feel I need to post some tunes by a few rock'n soulful women, so enjoy!

Doctor D


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