Hello to all SV bloggers, I come in peace! \m/

by 6:38 PM 0 comments
Requested by my guy, J$ himself.  I was Born and raised Memphis, TN & North Mississippi.  Im very excited about this blogger, and hope you are too!  Enough of this, lets get to business!

Last time I spoke with James he shared about a lack of heavy metal music and hardcore, hopefully now that need will be met.  So please buckle your seat-belts, its going to be a bumpy ride!

First up, one of my personal favorites. 
Shai Hulud from Pompano Beach, FL since 1995.  Hardcore Punk roots with progressive metal elements & very melodic.


Next up,
Doomriders from Boston, MA.  Heavy Metal/Rock n' Roll.  A bit on the Stoner Metal side of things. \m/


Last but not least.
Advent from Kernersville, NC.  American Hardcore, Plenty of Chaos while sharing a positive message. 

I hope you've enjoyed!



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