A few weekends ago I went to Union Park, Chicago for North Coast Music Festival. I had my must see's: Widespread Panic, SOJA, and Atmosphere. Each show was fantastic with great crowds and energy in the warm sun of Chicago summer. In between shows I was wandering around the grounds and was drawn to one corner. Amidst the mostly EDM sounds, there was the bumping of a trumpet and saxophone mixed with a soulful melody of old school R&B and funk. I found myself in the small crowd for Turkuaz, self described as "part freight train and part tyrannosaurus rex." The ensemble of nine had the stage at capacity, but each member had a unique sound to add to the total vibe. Mostly focusing on local shows in their home of Brooklyn, they are just starting to expand their circle. Check out a quick clip of the show here, and keep an eye out for a show near you for a chance to experience a funky fresh show.
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