by 5:54 PM 0 comments

I was recently able to enjoy a two night bluegrass run from Hot Buttered Rum and Fruition.  Both bands put out good feeling songs that bring a ton of energy to the dance floor.  They are progressive bluegrass bands with soul that originate from the west coast.  The two nights were filled with collaborations and a friendly atmosphere to hang out with the musicians, who seemed just as happy to guzzle down beer while listening to the tunes all night long.  Hot Buttered Rum is a group I have been listening to for a long time and just put out a new record entitled Hot Buttered Rum which was produced by Steve Berlin of Los Lobos.  Fruition is a newer band from Portland, OR and can really lay down some tracks, not to mention they will be attending Jam Cruise next year.  I would suggest checking out both of these bands if you have not done so already.  

Take a couple minutes to listen to Fruition and one of Hot Buttered Rum's new songs here and let me know what you think!

Doctor D


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